We are an independent, non-profit volunteer organization collaborating with the Callicoon Business Association and the Upper Delaware Scenic Byway Association in the redevelopment of the historic Callicoon Depot into a visitor’s center.

Our mission is to secure grant funding in order to make The Callicoon Depot an activity space for the community, where locals and visitors alike can gather, learn, and commune.

What we’re working on…

  • Completing all pre-requisite work and activating primary grant for major development.

  • Continue and initiate new necessary building repairs and stabilization.

  • Monthly Open House and community events

  • Quarterly Town Hall informational meetings

  • Continued site beautification and gardens with outdoor seating and offering access to free Wi-Fi service.

It takes a village, a hamlet, a byway…

Want to get involved? Volunteer opportunities can be one time, occasional or ongoing. Super flexible and friendly. We welcome your input!